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Birth Doula, Birth Photographer, Artist, Mom to three amazing kiddos & a wife to my wonderful husband Craig.
My name is Alice Tracy and I am a birth doula, birth photographer, and artist, but first of all a mom to three amazing kiddos and a wife to my wonderful husband Craig. I have discovered my passion for birth early on in my life but it was only after my second daughter was born when I embarked on a fascinating journey to become a birth doula and a birth advocate. I believe the moment of birth, as well as the months leading up to it and immediately following, is one of the most defining moments of our lives. It makes us mothers, fathers but it also shapes our relationships with our children and makes them who they are. I thrive to help couples to embrace their journeys with all they come with, to truly experience them and to celebrate them in all their diversity. As well as supporting families as a doula and documenting these journeys on camera, I have also spent the last few years studying a relationship of baby’s position on birth experience and have been enjoying staying at forefront of the study and sharing my experience with expectant couples, helping them to connect with their bodies and babies.
In the last two years, I have also shifted my energy to creating a sustainable practice of birth support and higher and better quality services. This includes networking and connecting with many local professional providers, creating a large supportive network of both professional and client communities and founding Whole Mother Village. I consider myself an entrepreneur, always pushing past what is possible and I am driven by my hope to improve the birth climate in New Jersey.
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